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  • Enter the mechanics of a mind shot through by the forces of elctromagnetism, language and logical torment. Inspired by the play Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights. A collaboration between Zoe Beloff and the Wooster Group Theater Company.
  • Mediascape - video
    MediascapeArtist: Marikki HakolaComment:
  • Beyond -
    ... soul and cinema resurrecting the dead. One might call it an investigation of the "dream...
  • Equivalents II -
    ... tonal complexity and the initial tone control parameters are set by the viewer's...
  • [the clearing] -
    The Clearing is an interactive installation artwork that focuses on the language of American print media's representation of the Bosnian crisis during the 1993-1994 period based on material culled from the archives of the Oakland Data Center.
  • ... For instance, to create a platform where one's stories can engage in discourse with...
  • Slippery Traces -
    Slippery Traces is a multi-linear visual narrative in which viewers navigate through a network of over 240 interconnected postcards classified into 24 categories or chapters. The intention of the work has been to explore database structures as a
  • Tracing -
    ... projected on both sides of the wall. One side consists of impersonal collected data of...
  • A Sense of Place -
    ... Oriental features (China) or Occidental ones (Los Angeles). The program selects one image...
  • Transitional Spaces -
    ... the program calculates that there is no one actually present The projected image...