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  • make-A-move -
    ...move," is an interactive installation involving two encased flat screens, digital animation, and physical computing. Two automated portraits - a... portraits - a female and a male subject photographed by the artist - react to the movements of passersby. Badani invests the work...
  • ...transferring, storing, sharing, and hybriding: Text_version, 2011 The digital-information-storage inheritance of generations and nations: I have...
  • egaku -
    ... physical tracing paper, egaku allows users to overlay multiple digital translucent images to compose and compare different designs. ...
  • ... art on the one hand the variability of the matter light in a digital surrounding is taken into consideration, on the other hand the... Generative art "en plain air": In four squares appearing on the computer screen the viewers of remote impressionist art (2006) see cutouts from...
  • The ToyBox -
    ... of creating a piece of work which they would like to find in a digital toybox. The CD-ROM contained works by the following artists :... as part of Video Positive 95. The piece was an anthology of artist's works contained on a CD-ROM, published and sold during the...
  • ... it in a somewhat different viewing situation. By means of digital post-processing this video material has been anamorphically...
  • Move 36
    ... they see a chessboard made of sand and earth, flanked by digital projections that evoke the players in absentia. The plant is... the universal computer code (called ASCII) to produce a "Cartesian" gene, that is, a translation of Descartes' ontological...
  • Audiopad -
    ... cut between drum loops to create new beats, and apply digital processing all at the same time on the same table. Audiopad...
  • the conversation -
    ... The autonomous apparatus incorporates an analogue and a digital part that try to adapt to each other, but it is not obvious... rubberbands, wires Production support: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón This work is part of a series of...
  • Infiltrate -
    ... the perspective of the gold fish. Infiltrate involves 3 digital cameras and custom motion tracking software. Fish state,...