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  • ... above the Bow River was captured on video and represented as a tiled dome of still...
  • ... of a chair rising up and down appears The Video is accompanied by sounds of a loving family...
  • Year Zero -
    ... a future audience in hundred years. Text, Video, Networked Performance © Lila Moore, All...
  • Laberint -
    ...Laberint is a single-channel video based on the Platonic myth that woman and man were once one...
  • Lake_Shinji -
    ... to collect their persnal positions and video data on the days 27th, 28th of July, 2002....
  • ... from Dolmens, 2011 HD single channel video, 17min 35sec stereo 16:9 black/white/colour...
  • ... saxophone, surveillance cameras, live video mixing and projection. Two instruments...
  • Recombinant Figure -
    ...Digital video installation 1 monitor colour, silent An interactive single monitor work with one...
  • NANO Mandala -
    ... The installation consists of a video projected onto a disk of sand, 8 feet in...
  • Nuzzle Afar -
    ... in Rotterdam. Each terminal has a large video projection and a pedestal with a TrackBall...