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...Lagoogleglyph (2009) is a distributed, global artwork that inscribes lagoglyphs into the environment and makes them visible to the world. In its...
...Lagoogleglyph 2 is a distributed, global artwork that inscribes lagoglyphs into the environment and makes them visible to the world. It consists...
... made by Kac for the eye of a satellite used by Google. The artist hired the same satellite used by Google and produced a...
... made by Kac for the eye of a satellite used by Google. The artist hired the same satellite used by Google and produced a...
... Based upon its stellar characteristics and distance from Earth, Gamma Leporis (part of the constellation Lepus) is considered a...
August 22, 1997 (Kennedy Space Center, Florida)— A Jet Propulsion Laboratory technician inserts the DVD containing Kac's Monogram and many other files into a shallow cavity between two pieces of aluminum that protected it from micrometeoroid
...In 1989, Eduardo Kac transmitted from Chicago his artwork Spacescapes via slow-scan television simultaneously to Pittsburgh (to the DAX Group)...