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  • In this geolocative augmented reality installation, a grid of ARt critics seem to scream "You call THIS ARt???" On October 9 2010, Sander Veenhof & Mark Skwarek organized "We AR in MoMA," an uninvited cyberspace takeover of the Museum of Modern Art...
    ART AND MYTHOANALYSISArtist: Hervé FischerComment:
  • ArsRss -
    ArsRSS re-reads between approximately 100 art and new media related RSS feeds twice-daily, caches the feeds and completely re-writes its database of words found in the feeds. This makes for fast response times both for searching across feeds and for...
  • Short video showing the installation of "Border Patrol" by Paul Garrin and David Rokeby. They got a golden Nica for it already in 1997 but it could be exhibited only a year later.
  • Array
    ArrayArtist: Lev ManovichComment:
  • "Every poem in the book Aromapoetry employs nanotechnology by binding an extremely thin layer of porous glass (200 nanometers thick) to every page, trapping the odorants (i.e. the volatile molecules) and releasing them very slowly. Without this...
  • Arguendo
    Arguendo re-enacts the 1991 Supreme Court Case Barnes v. Glen Theatre, initiated by a group of go-go dancers against an Indiana law banning public nudity. Electronically mediated with references to relevant court cases and the First Amendment, the...
  • arctic conquistadors -
    Arctic Conquistadors examines the tensions and conflicts characterizing the Arctic today. The Arctic space is being re-mapped / re-drawn / re-appropriated by the traditional stakeholders and newcomers, be it private or state-owned corporations,...
  • Arcs21 -
    Continuing in the tradition of free online distribution of netart in the 90s, Arcs21 offers the user the possibilities of research, playing and co-creation: browserspace is translated into a realtime artwork which is freely available over the...
  • Architext - video
    Large LED alphanumeric units are mounted in a 13 x 9 grid on the stage tower of this theater. Like a conventional news sign textual information is scrolled through these elements, but because the alphanumeric units are spaced far apart, the projected...