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  • Camouflage -
    Intervention For the temporary intervention 'Camouflage' the ten national flags attached to flagpoles at the bus parking lot on the Bieler Höhe were exchanged for monochrome quartz green banners. Not until they were approached did they appear to
  • Year Zero -
    Year Zero- Exhibition Concept Open Call 2121 for works to a future audience in hundred years. Text, Video, Networked Performance © Lila Moore, All Rights Reserved In year zero of the Corona pandemic, I called upon Seeker_of_True-files, my
    The interconnection between the musical and the visual work is particularly based on a constant exercise of deconstruction, where the human being and his body emerge as a matter of invention and of “decomposition” in many expression and in a
    AUDIOVISUAL POEM is a quadrophonic electroacoustic composition which has a fixed structure, but for which nevertheless some events can be changed in real-time, allowing for diverse possibilities through the performance. This changes are not casual
  • RC Robot
    ... a human (hidden away) improvised...
  • Minitel used a half-duplex asymmetric data transmission through a modem.
  • Sphinx
    vintage fax on white paper, 21 × 29.7 cm (8.27 × 11.69 inches), 1987. Transmission information is visible on the left side. Transmitted from Rio de Janeiro to Mario Ramiro in São Paulo.
  • Fax transmitted from Chicago to: - "City Portraits: The Suburbs", fax exchange with group Art Reseaux, École Municipale D'Arts Plastiques, Rosny Sous Bois, France, 1990 - "The Globe Show", fax exchange with British artists, Oldham Art Gallery,
  • Fax transmited from Chicago to: - "City Portraits: The Suburbs", fax exchange with group Art Reseaux, École Municipale D'Arts Plastiques, Rosny Sous Bois, France, 1990 - "The Globe Show", fax exchange with British artists, Oldham Art Gallery,
  • R&E
    Fax transmited from Chicago to: - "City Portraits: The Suburbs", fax exchange with group Art Reseaux, École Municipale D'Arts Plastiques, Rosny Sous Bois, France, 1990 - "The Globe Show", fax exchange with British artists, Oldham Art Gallery,