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  • 4 minute documentation excerpt from a 50 minute Installation.
  • Decidophobia - video
    The current quarrel between neuroscientists and moral philosophers about whether there is a free will or only a surrogate thereof provided by the subconscious cannot be settled easily. Instead Elke Reinhuber offers to see for yourself in her work
  • ... of the consumed beverage. This technology was presented as part of a game entitled 'conspiratio' at the international collegiate...
  • ... pondered upon actions to carry out in order to save our earth. There are pictures to perceive, as we know them from the media:...
  • ... thoughts. With a field intensity of three Tesla, state-of-the-art brain scanners offer a superior resolution. Can processes in the...
  • Valise in an iPod follows after Duchamp's Readymade mini-museum, "Box in Valise" ( 1935-41 ). Valise in an iPod plays with the tension between the mass object and the reproducibility of the digital object, the promotional nature of consumer branding
  • UpStage
    ...UpStageArtist: Helen Varley JamiesonComment:
  • World Without End -
    ... Manarat al Saadiyat cultural center program, "Ramadan Arcade", artworks were commissioned that addressed Emirates culture during the...
  • Tokyo MA
    ...Tokyo MAArtist: Teresa WennbergComment:
  • NO=ON -
    ...NO=ONArtist: Teresa WennbergComment: