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  • Paragens
    ...Paragens is a video installation with three environments: Clareira, Eye and Wall. The room in a dark blue is a like a data space full of electronic images, photographies, projections, reflected images. The visitors by they moving-around can get a lot of connexions...
  • The Art Collider -
    ... to use, among others, existing material (streams) produced by other participants and to offer as a counterpart streams (video, sound, text, data) to others. An innovating technological concept * developing a technological platform The technological...
  • Azimuth 77 - video
    ...n Sánchez Zelada and Marcello Mercado Azimuth 77, 2006, Performance, 21 min. 26 sec., stereo 4:3 colour This video is about a serie of performances that relates specific points in the tracking of Iridium-mobile satellites from global...
  • Nuit Blanche -
    ...This experimental video uses 4 different sources for an installation of 25 screen: the electronic Graph-8 palette, coupled with an Apple2C computer, a Slow-Scan equipment, a text generator, a Time Base Corrector and a videocamera recording a live performance....
  • Pentimento - video
    ...Pentimento was produced as an Interactive Video Installation and Interactive DVD-ROM during Dennis Del Favero's on-going Research Fellowship at ZKM which began in 1998. The Interactive Video Installation comprises an 8 metre square room with integrated vision...
  • ...Heaven’s Gate is a video installation that was first shown in the stairwell of Felix Meritis in Amsterdam. In other venues the work usually occupies a specially constructed tall, dark room. The video image is projected high up onto a 3m x 4m screen on the ceiling,...
  • ...To create this 5-channel video sculpture the artist searched for abstract forms and movements of the human body that trigger powerful associations with the processes of life and death, transforming images of "innocent" body parts into fetishistic objects, projections...
  • ... area, each "captured" and represented through different techniques. A stand of Hoodoos above the Bow River was captured on video and represented as a tiled dome of still photographs with spatialized audio. A dark, watery Cave was captured photographically...
  • ... they can choose any age from 1 to 120 once pressed, a large 1:1 scaled projection of a chair rising up and down appears The Video is accompanied by sounds of a loving family calling out the years that went by till the celebration for the year to come...
  • Year Zero -
    ...Year Zero- Exhibition Concept Open Call 2121 for works to a future audience in hundred years. Text, Video, Networked Performance © Lila Moore, All Rights Reserved In year zero of the Corona pandemic, I called upon Seeker_of_True-files, my technoetic adviser, and...