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  • An Explicit Volume -
    An Explicit Volume is an interactive installation comprising nine books arranged in a three by three grid. Each book is operated by an electronic page turner. The project is sited in a darkened space where four red vinyl chairs are arranged facing
  • Plasm: A Country Walk -
    A custom force-feedback leash is used to walk a virtual dog down an endlessly unfolding country lane. The simulation is driven by the 3DO game console's low-cost rendering hardware, with rear-screen projection filling the participant's
  • Biotica -
    An immersive journey into a world of artificial-life creatures. Viewers use their arms to fly and navigate in a virtual 3D world of evolving, swimming and pulsing a-life creatures. (source:
  • mimesia -
    Mimesia is an interactive painting that draws the viewer into a dream-like flow of unfolding narrative. As if in a dream, the viewer can look around but cannot control what will happen next. The work incorporates paradigms from painting, film and
  • IDfone -
    Interactive digital video installation, variable size IDphone evokes an ambivalent conjunction between the Freudian notion of the Id, contemporary I.D. systems (biometrics) and a video-phone gone wrong. Employing digital "mirrors" that reflect
  • Plasm: In the Breeze -
    Swinging out over a synthesized creek, viewers stir up the artificial life forms therein. Engaging kinesthetic immersion takes place within themed surroundings, where two rope swings track the participants' position using linear position
  • Plasm: Yer Mug -
    A 50's themed diner provides the setting for an interactive encounter with disturbing denizens in the virtual mirror across the counter. On-screen breakfast reassembles itself into characters who react to the customers' every move.
  • Three networked skyboards equip visitors to surf freely throughout a shared virtual space. Each fiberglass skyboard is a custom full-body input device, with force-sensing resistors driving the flight simulation for the occupant's on-screen
  • Plasm: A Nano Sample -
    A large, empty room becomes the portal into an alternate universe, explored via two monitors pushed about on rolling stands. When viewed through the screen of each exploratory vehicle, clouds of passive brass flakes are swirled and grasped by unseen
  • Stream I Stream II -
    Stream deals with issues concerning presence, both physical and remote (virtual), and asks "what if" we all lost the ability to differentiate ourselves and our sense of singularity in the world? What would it be like if we could all see what