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  • down Jones
    ... write such a virus, precisely how does it work, and what are the... is to infect files on the user's hard disk and not to change the...
  • Timeline
    ... the work is based on the device used in packages like Adobe Premiere...
    ... of a matrix of LED keys. When a user depresses the keys, the LEDs light...
  • SimTunes -
    ... programs that grows with the user. In essence, it is a paint program...
  • ... 'virtual gallery' in which the user can explore a computer rendition...
  • Advent -
    ... of urban artifacts. Showing a sequence of details of the... these dates is selected by the user the screen dissolves to reveal a...
  • Heliotrope -
    ... requires input from the user. However, unlike a computer game, the... and animations in which the user interacts to control the sequence...
  • ... multi-user online 3D world that uses the interactive characteristics of...
  • ... Wall, in order to understand how the Wall's presence and the... installation that enables users to experience a section of the...
  • Bots -
    ... hapless consumers to purchase useless products.