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  • ... since her body, unlike a man's, does not give her away. [... new characters on a new background. And this is a potentially... relationships, signified by switching (mentally or often practically)...
  • Memopol-II
    ... or her physical being alone. Background checks through Internet...
  • ...Media bubble doesn’t blow up without a consumer, the installation doesn’t work...
  • ... captures the snow against the background of the Serra sculpture and...
  • ... should be an outrage that Apple doesn’t pay any taxes on its earnings,...
  • (W)orld Currency -
    ... is a global reserve currency backed by popular currencies. It's...
  • ... construction of circles in the background, like a giant clockwork or...
  • ... all at the same time. Not only does it descriptively and exemplarily... live performer, a News-Jockey. Background: Friends ask: Could you help...
  • Micromega
    ... can be achieved beyond the background threshold of the listener.
  • ... curving it downwards. Walking backwards, the wall is balancing in the...