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  • March -
    ... one's inner impulses-and how this tension is played out in the... a performance by a professional cantor, and an interview with war,...
  • Marchive
    ... a fraction of these objects can be displayed at a given time. A... creates a navigable interactive data landscape for visitors inside the...
  • ... a perceptual tension between knowing where we are but not knowing...
  • Mediaflow - video
    ... of streams of information that can be freely selected and rearranged.... source or origin of a body of knowledge; the actual formation of... and keywords. Documents in the database are brought to life in a...
  • MELT -
    Melt is a kinetic surface designed to undergo distortions in function of the weight, position and actions of the visitors. Melt consists of 50 nautical aluminum polished plates, aligned with and connected to one-another by a system of linear
  • Memopol I
    ... here, but the question is how do we use them. In the time of peace... the government portal, citizen can see information from prescription... visitor from (inter)national databases and the Internet. The data is...
  • Memopol-II
    ... here, but the question is how do we use them. In peacetime these... the government portal, people can see their data, from prescription... visitor from (inter)national databases and the Internet. The data is...
  • ... Capsule of Time, which conveys knowledge from the Past (the ground) to...
  • ... space becomes a surface for showing film clips. The content of... spatial tracking device, can be moved around inside a clear... wunderkammer: early models of knowledge, collection of curiosities) ...
  • ... and obsession with the media, showing the television as a religious... Berlin, there is a seven-armed candelabrum - the installation Menora...