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  • Brush the Sky -
    In "Brush the Sky," a mother-daughter duo bring the ancient art of calligraphy into the 21st century. In the Wing Luke Museum, transparent wall hangings by Midori Kono Thiel emphasized the abstract nature of calligraphic art by deconstructing the
  • LAB 1: ART+COM -
    ... computer as a tool and medium for communication. But, in West Berlin there was already a...
  • Water Lily Invasion -
    ... the plant propagated to this unlikely location, but the global financial connections...
  • ... mutation of dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella) The microscopic algae Alexandrium...
  • When I Dream -
    Who am I when I dream? How many different lives do I live in my sleep? Where do those lives go when I wake? Where do those selves go when I wake?
  • I am Sound -
    From Mission Base's Website: An interactive image/sound installation by Tamiko Thiel (image) and Christoph Reiserer (sound), 2016 "I am Sound" interweaves contemporary concerns with surveillance, face tracking and use of personal data into a
  • El Barrio is home! -
    The Caribbean Cultural Center and African Diaspora Institute is a cultural center for the world-wide African diaspora based in East Harlem ("Spanish Harlem") in New York City. Back in 2012 as AR artistic advisor I helped them get a Rockefeller
  • More Than Us -
    ... to historical and predictive climate catastrophe data sets. Both communities move...
  • This multipart work uses real-time data gathered from a colony of naked mole-rats, allowing a peek into their lives. The project reflects Julie Freeman’s fascination with their cooperative lifestyle and how it differs from human social organization.
  • We Need Us -
    What is the meaning of data beyond its value-laden content? We Need Us draws metadata from the activities of citizen science site Zooniverse’s million+ participants to create an ever-growing environment of sounds and animated forms. Unlike