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  • Fields of Origin NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition, I -NODE of Planetary Collegium 2015 By Lila Moore Novel forms and ideas arise unexpectedly from unknown or previously unsuspected origin. Being new and full of mysterious possibilities, they
  • ” … Il semble que l’être volant dépasse l’atmosphère même où il vole. ” *** (It seems that the flying being exceeds even the atmosphere where he flies.) -Nuit Bleue- is the first ‘logbook’ of the TRAVELOG series : An assemblage of travels, of
  • ... rooms was particularly intense: here a sound and light composition was projected, for which Claudia Robles had been inspired...
  • ...This audiovisual composition shows the transformation from old plans of the city transformed into an imaginary map obtained from the convergence...
  • A light installation for the Night of Museums Berlin inspired by the concept of coloured shadows in Goethe’s Theory of Colours
    ... The tweet messages are turned into audible sound, and the computer measures thereafter the cerebral activity of the visitors,...
  • INTERMITTENT - video
    INTERMITTENT is an audio-visual non-loop installation. The video and sound material is controlled by a dynamical system in the background.. The motion pattern of this particular dynamics is called Intermittency, a technical term from the field of
    ... between the elements with musical passages, some of which are composed in detail and some other, which are more of an improvised...
  • ... into the room to become part of the work. The large, completely darkened exhibition space itself becomes an immersive...
  • ...After Pey-Chwen Lin completed the “Making of Eve Clone I”, she created an interactive installation, the “Great Image of Eve Clone”, to further...