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  • ... Geschichte ihres Landes, die auch ihre Geschichte... visuellen Erzählweise thematisiert sie auch die... fügen sich Formen im Schattenspiel zu einer...
  • Molecular Invasion -
    Corcoran School of Art and Design and exhibited at the... with students from the Corcoran School of Art and... Molecular Invasion was a participatory science-theater work done in... the use of environmentally friendly, nontoxic...
  • ... is stranger then another and in the same time all, what... “Drama house” is a house when the simple ring at the doorbell can... various members of its menagerie, which comes alive with...
  • Metabodies
    ... on the human ecosystem and its 'social network'; this,... This project investigates the unexpected diversity to be found on the... bacteria ‘speak’ through molecules, in different conditions?... an hourly basis to document the development process. What...
  • Energy conversion -
    ... the molecules receives and transmits photons all the way... In the plant cell, huge numbers of chlorophyll molecules are linked... numbers of chlorophyll molecules are linked one to... the fluorescent red pigment visible. Biological...
  • ... illuminated gas balloons and sound A room is filled... floats in space like the atoms of a complex molecule.... the atoms of a complex molecule. Through variable... Change, sound, and movement converge into a larger form....
    ...ctive video installation / analogue mental cinema
  • ... due to global warming and how urban populations will... This fiction informs the audience about rising sea levels due to... with it. This experimental form of tactical transmedia...
  • Homes
    ... through, look around, and examine details of the... which shows the exact, detailed virtual copy... of three Tai O fishermen's family houses. The visitor...
  • ... with Jeffrey Shaw and Sebastian Egner. Here, the... After finishing the computer animation version of "The Forest",... at the different amusement parks. It is also not a...