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  • handSCAPE -
    ... and skills. (Source:
  • Virtual Book -
    ... one-page document, whereas the book as a media format is always a double-page spread of the...
  • ... Imperfection:...
  • ... contexts and purpose, i.e. as art media with expressive, conceptual and critical...
  • ... damage. (Source:
  • ... acts as the lens and filter for a mediated digital image. The digitization of film in...
  • FLUflux -
    ... for the Visualizar ’09 workshop at the Media Lab Prado, Jihyun Kim and I created an...
  • SandScape -
    ... (Source:
  • Kidnap -
    ... and life, politics and trade, presence, media and liveness. (source:...
  • ... possibilities of so-called new media and visual technologies that make them...