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  • Helpdesk
    ... from the big public. As the attention on and funding for the arts is minimal, Helpdesk makes missed calls to an unlimited number of...
  • Interactive installation exploring the potential of single-user virtual reality. Rearrangement of multiple subjective camera views captured from...
  • ...A high resolution interactive display that simultaneously shows 864 video clips of news anchors taken from TV broadcasts in the United States...
  • ... artists at an exhibition at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London, and his work in computer animation was featured in the...
  • Reflexions - video
    ...His first interactive sound installation. Construction of some very bulky 8 x 8 pixel video cameras, connected then to a wire-wrapped card in...
  • the beehive -
    ... based project creating a web of thoughts. 32 animated and/or interactive text or text-picture plates are connected, interwooven...
  • Virtual Book -
    ... The Virtual Book (2006) The concept of the book as an interactive knowledge structure was inspired by Marvin Minsky's vision...
  • Dreams Grrrls -
    ..."Dream Grrrls is a real-time interactive CAVETM virtual art environment created by M. Dolinsky and Grit Sehmisch. Dream Grrrls invites you to...
  • ITCH
    ...The ITCH acronym stands for “Interactive Technology – Community Hacking”, and as such it tries to represent a wide artistic research project...
  • Difference Engine #3 -
    ... and the visitors to the museum as the interface. It is an interactive, multi-user, sculpture about surveillance, voyeurism,...