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  • After Microsoft -
    ... gives a sense of scale to the image. Makes it possible to imagine being there. Because...
  • AME: Art After Museum -
    ... otherwise, the spectator is not the maker of the work, but merely its casual or...
  • ... detention camp, or even a ‘reality’ TV show. While in UNMAKEABLELOVE the inhabitants of the... initial investigation that focuses and makes interactively tangible, a state of...
  • ... multiple representations. The project makes it possible to explore a variety of plastic...
    ... meditation and anger. Gradually, however, the performance builds in choreographic... or tempo in his movement. The space thus makes its presence felt to the spectators through...
  • ... into the pitch black environment and shown their places on the floor by an attendant with... of the light’s color temperature makes these surfaces appear to be simultaneously...
  • ... to engage with each other because of how it transforms what each person sees through... seems to provide a safe distance, which makes it easier to interact with other passers-by....
  • Sauna01-02 - video
    ... projection material. The rear screen makes it possible to see the projected images in...
  • Helpdesk
    ... funding for the arts is minimal, Helpdesk makes missed calls to an unlimited number of...
  • Energy conversion -
    ... some of these rays, the chlorophyll makes the fluorescent red pigment visible. ...