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  • The Neighbour -
    ..."The neighbour, neither friend nor enemy, is the one who may not be in your "network", but is... class families to partake in "caravan culture", or escape longer term from the city and...
  • ... edition of 6, 1AP "Company of Colours" is the ninth piece in the Shadow Box series of... view constructed out of a variety of culturally significant color swatches and...
  • ... surveillance system. As people enter the installation, texts are projected onto their...
  • ... artist Lynn Hershman Leeson. A pioneer of the use of interactive computer art and virtual... Arts Association. Her latest film Strange Culture (SFFS 2007) explores post-9/11 paranoia....
  • Cloud - video
    ... kinetic installation hanging suspended in the Great Hall at the Ontario Science Centre. One...
  • Deux pièces datant du début des années 1980, parmi les toutes premières œuvres de Maurice Benayoun, s’articulent autour de la thématique historique du Carré blanc fond blanc de Kazimir Malevitch. L’artiste n’a alors pas encore exploité le
  • Variations -
    ... ) photographic, self-animated work for the browser, 2008. Variations ( Elliott Carter...
  • ... a translocated geography, to commemorate the 200 years of liberation of Latin American... from Latin America, in the field of culture, politics, literature, music (Guevara,...
  • ...Repsat uses the latest 3D printing technology and it´s conversion from digital files to printed format.... and distort for different social and cultural interest. The art as a communication...
  • Urban Datascape -
    ... installation to immerse yourself in the heart of the Parisian climate issues. Designed... work inaugurates the launch ArtCOP21, a cultural event on climate change that will take...