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  • Video installation in public space Anamorphically distorted video projection with different points of view. The work was installed in the public space in Feldkirch (AT).
  • Floating Signs II -
    ...Three-part light installation Series 'Mirrors of the Unseen (MotU)' 'Floating Signs 2' features three light sticks, each consisting of a vertical bar of white flickering LEDs. For the viewer, the words and images seem to emerge from the bars, appearing as holograms in...
  • ... of unfettered images. This creates the feeling of an image set in motion through the activity of the projected body part. The projection into the nave is made via a computer-controlled mirror device. Taking into account that the length of the video...
  • Golden Nuggets -
    ... a landscape that is touristically barely developed. Stones rupture the alpine turf. Some of these stones were gilded in the artist's studio, shown in exhibitions and later returned to the landscape. The works of the series 'Golden Nuggets' can be understood...
  • ...In 1983 artists Kit Galloway and Sherrie Rabinowitz began refining a concept for a telecollaborative network connecting informal public multimedia communications venues. The original Electronic Cafe Network was to be the artists offering as a replicable social model...
  • Hole-in-Space -
    ...On a November evening in 1980 the unsuspecting public walking past the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York City, and "The Broadway" department store located in the open air shopping center in Century City (LA), had a surprising encounter with each other....
  • ...Can we know insects through electronic and artistic interfaces? Do they know us? Can they experience art? Can we develop new relationships with them? I built a miniature museum space and used telepresent technologies to re-scale the situation and to provide methods for...
  • Laufende Projekte -
    ... analogue and digital reality, and between objectivity and virtuality. The integrated everyday objects, which embody the artificial images, refer to the world of things, but at the same time are reinterpreted, in the sense of the mediation process...
  • mission of art -
    ...Site-specific light installation The light installation 'mission of art' is a temporary intervention on the façade of the building of the Akademie der Künste [Academy of Arts] in Berlin, for the occasion of the opening of the Academy's new location on Pariser Platz...
  • Videotape [English title, The dancing and the dead] If YOU, yes YOU, the one I'm addressing, have already photographed corpses and the pried-open skull, that is even now beautiful picturedance of the corpseshots (the camera is moved) a dancer