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  • ...Interactive computer installation "With the interactive video/computer environment, Body Scanned Architecture, presented at the Venice Biennale,...
  • Box I/II - video
    ...Box I/IIArtist: Ruth SchnellComment:
  • ...In Origins and Futures, pyrite, a mineral commonly known as “fool’s gold” glimmers with novelty and seduction. Its crystalline structure and...
  • ... and the rectified reflection – are interdependent and form a common body.
  • COMBATscience -
    ... How did modern war begin? How did instruments of annihilation come into existence then, and how do they come into existence...
  • ... head designer of German gas warfare; Immerwahr, a pacifist, committed suicide following the first gas attack by German forces. The...
  • Stage environment (after Douglas R Hofstadter: Gödel, Escher, Bach) [English title, The MU Puzzle] A media environment was integrated into the stage design of 'Mu-Rätsel', a theatrical production by Hubsi Kramar, shown in the Schauspielhaus Graz as
  • ...All Targets DefinedArtist: Ruth SchnellComment:
  • ...Der andere BeobachterArtist: Ruth SchnellComment:
  • Face Value -
    ... watch us daily, as we swap goods for labor-power, as we sell commodities and buy resources, as we hawk dues and invest in securities,...