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  • Babel - video
    ...BabelArtist: Ruth SchnellComment:
  • This experimental animation approaches Hong Kong’s built environment from the conceptual perspective of celluloid film, by applying the technique of film animation to the photographic image. The city’s signature architecture of horizon-eclipsing
  • ...Repetition and distortion drive this audiovisual collaboration between composer Lux Prima and visual artist Max Hattler, where fuzzy analogue...
  • Shift
    ...Using the New Age idea of a 'dimensional shift' as inspiration, Shift combines science fiction themes through abstract, stop motion animation of...
  • X
    ...The unknown X becomes a whole symphony of shapes... In a universe where everything is by itself yet can intersect with each other, cross-action...
  • Sync
    A circular looping animation projection installation. "(...) the film is based on the idea that there is an underlying unchanging synchronisation at the centre of everything; a sync that was decided at the very beginning of time. Everything follows
    The ever-shifting shape of Analogue Futurism. 100% digital-effects free.
  • Collision
    Islamic patterns and American quilts and the colours and geometry of flags as an abstract field of reflection.
  • ...Interactive computer installation "With the interactive video/computer environment, Body Scanned Architecture, presented at the Venice Biennale,...
  • Box I/II - video
    ...Box I/IIArtist: Ruth SchnellComment: