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  • ... to produce an artistic edit of a specific... the neoliberal turn under Ronald Reagan’s...
  • ... role in human history, whether as the organ... as well as to consideration and the cognition of...
  • "Escalator" –light installation for the LED facade of UNIQA headquarter in Vienna‘s city center. The light installation was a widely visible landmark for the art series "The Future of Demonstration".
  • The sine curve function was applied to the digitized drawing and many passes were made through it to achieve this image.
  • My Father
    This early plotter drawing later served as the basis for two different versions of "Sineman Two." In "Sineman Two" Csuri applies the sine curve function to the drawing of "My Father" and then created a black ink drum plotter drawing and a red photo
  • ... of the featured artists at an exhibition at the... Collection: Museum of Modern Art, New York. Csuri continued...
  • ... Hat epitomizes the artist’s interest in image...
  • ... of Adam‘ in the Sistine Chapel, a depiction of...
  • ... about this work under the following links:...