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  • ... of reality. – Uršula Berlot, 2014 'Fluid Topography by the artist Uršula Berlot investigates the dynamics and forms of magnetic...
  • ... says, and here he hints at the technically reproducible art: »From the point of view of death, life is the production of...
  • ... using a particular form of camera obscura created by the artist’s mouth. Technically the images are based on the use of a small...
    ... and fragile essence of the physical, whether organic or artificial. – Uršula Berlot, 2012
    ... reflected light, video projections of radiological scans of the artist’s brain and related manipulated recorded video images. – Uršula... recorded video images. – Uršula Berlot, 2007 'In their video installations, Uršula Berlot, Kimsooja and Norimichi Hirakawa are...
  • The kaleidoscopic rhythmic structure of a recurring pattern is not a computer-generated picture, but a video recording taken on a digital camera and a kaleidoscopic instrument. The infinite recurrence of one and the same element in micro- and
  • ATTRACTIONS - 2′ 'The latest research within the artist’s already distinguished paradigm has brought a few novelties. In the field of phisical laws the...
  • ...four kinetic objects with magnets and metal particles dim: diameter 12 cm Kinetic objects take part in the multimedia project Attractions –...
  • ...Plexiglass, artificial resin, projection, reflection plexiglass dim: 180 x 100 cm; immaterial parts: variable dimensions 'In her art works,...
  • Faces
    ...FacesArtist: Lillian F. SchwartzComment: