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  • Nano -
    Two UCLA professors-media and net artist Victoria Vesna and nanoscience pioneer James Gimzewski-are at the forefront of the intersection of art and science. Their groundbreaking project, 'NANO', now on view at the Los Angeles County Museum
  • Cross Currents -
    The multi-media project Cross Currents is the third part in the Yugoslavian War trilogy with Pietà (Neue Galerie, Graz, 1996, produced in collaboration with scenario URBANO) and Motel Vilina Vlas (Sprengel Museum, Hanover, 1996) forming the second
  • Pentimento - video
    Pentimento was produced as an Interactive Video Installation and Interactive DVD-ROM during Dennis Del Favero's on-going Research Fellowship at ZKM which began in 1998. The Interactive Video Installation comprises an 8 metre square room with
  • Media Bombs -
    From a master missile installed in the center of space, 36 Media Bombs drop out. A crystal TV is embedded in each of the bombs, and the monitors broadcast programs of stock information from all over the world. The programs, each broadcast from a
  • This installation took place in a real Super Clean Room at Toyoko Global Environment Laboratory. A "Clean Room" is an artificial air space without any dust or's air contains nothing: no contaminants. Such rooms are maintained in
  • did you read the east -
    did you read the east? was a teleintervention conceived the 4th Arte/Cidade edition_ Artecidadezonaleste_ that linked an electronic billboard of São Paulo with any computer connected to the Web. Participants could choose an image on line, send
  • Poetrica -
    Poetrica is an investigation about reading and reception in entropic and cybrid situations and a practice of appropriation of the advertisement system as public space. It was launched at Galeria Vermelho, in São Paulo, 2003, and closed in
  • OP_ERA is an immersive and interactive interface designed for multisensorial experimentation of space concepts. Conceived as a virtual reality environment, this project focuses on research and development of scientific and artistic models of space,
  • OP_ERA ist an immersive and interactive interface designed for multisensorial experimentation of space concepts. Conceived as a virtual reality environment, this project focuses on research and development of scientific and artistic models of space,
  • OP_ERA ist an immersive and interactive interface designed for multisensorial experimentation of space concepts. Conceived as a virtual reality environment, this project focuses on research and development of scientific and artistic models of space,