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  • This work considers a future where we live simultaneously in multiple realities, where the boundaries between physical and virtual reality are blurred and thoughts are expressed telepathically. Advanced technology can provide an enhanced life
  • Debuted at the Whitney Museum at Phillip Morris, 1992, as part of a series co-curated by Toni Dove with Helen Thorington of New American Radio and Jeanette Vuocolo of the Whitney Phillip Morris Performance series. Entitled "Performing Bodies and
  • Is a computer-driven slide installation with a soundtrack. The images are projected onto a wall and onto net hung in a ladder . The net creates hologram-like three-dimensional effects. Computerized dissolve equipment produces sequences of images
  • Spectropia -
    A work in progress , is an evening-length interactive media performance performed by two players with the the participation of audience members. Spectropia can also be presented as an interactive installation for two viewers at museums, festivals
  • A romance thriller about shopping, Artificial Changelings is presented as an installation in which one person at a time uses body movement to interact with sound and images. Viewers can take turns either as particpants or spectators. The story opens
  • Creation Myth -
    Creation Myth describes the birth of a new environment utilizing unique fractal and particle system software. It was designed for exhibition on Palladium's 50 monitor video display system. (Rebecca Allen)
  • Musique Non Stop -
    Allen created all visual material for the 1986 album Electric Cafe by the German group Kraftwerk including the classic, award-winning music video, Musique Non Stop. This work involved the development of state-of-the-art facial animation software in
  • America`s Finest -
    In 1830, both the camera and the colt revolver were invented. more than a half century later, in 1888 Etienne Jules Maray perfected a gun that substituted film for bullets. There has long been a historical relationship between the camera and the
  • Paranoid Mirror -
    This piece was inspired by the paintings of Van Eyk and in particular the "Marriage of Arnofini". This piece uses reflection as a means of portraiture and reflected self portraiture. Though obscured and distanced, the artists reflection watches from
  • Autopoiesis -
    Autopoiesis, is a robotic sculpture installation commissioned by the Kiasma Museum in Helsinki, Finland as part of Outoaly, the Alien Intelligence Exhibition curated by Erkki Huhtamo, 2000. It consists of fifteen robotic sound sculptures that