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  • ...UCBM (You could be me)Artist: Nell TenhaafComment:
  • ...Species LifeArtist: Nell TenhaafComment:
  • ... on the original choreography by Ismo-Pekka Heikinheimo called "Come Quickly for I´m Seeing Stars". The theme of TransVersum is...
  • ... enter the dome and adjust the height until they feel visually comfortable. When the action stops, visitors may speak any number...
  • Landscape One -
    ... virtual characters. If the virtual characters appear free to come and go in the garden, real visitors will need help to walk in and...
  • Die Sprache der Dinge -
    ... to numerous objective criteria. Associative spoken texts accompany each object, hyperlinks within these texts lead to chance...
  • In Vitro
    ...In VitroArtist: Nell TenhaafComment:
  • Ultima Ratio - video
    ...Ultima RatioArtist: Daniela Alina PleweComment:
  • Decoy -
    ...DecoyArtist: Jane ProphetComment:
  • The Landscape Room -
    ...The Landscape RoomArtist: Jane ProphetComment: