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    Video installation Series 'Bags' Ten bags, stacked with their opening facing forward, form a...
  • Your Self Portrait -
    ... filmed react to their own image. The video is the result of an accumulation of...
  • ...Short video from a ZDF documentary about Ars Electronica 1994 showing the project "The Intelligent...
  • ... software originally developed for Video Narcissus (Turin, 1987).
  • Voices -
    ...Digital video 5 mins 36 secs colour, stereo sound by Hans Peter Kuhn Inspired by the poem of...
  • ... interwoven events organized by the Film, Video and New Media department (FVNM) at The...
  • Weave Mirror -
    ... surface. The mechanical mirrors all have video cameras, motors and computers on board and...
  • ... Lines Myriam Thyes, 2015, animation, HD video, 10:10, loop, stereo. Sound: Silvia Pachler....
  • Explosions in the Sky -
    ...The video is a game between pressures: the atmospheric pressure, the artificial pressure and the...
  • ...Two video projections are confronted on the same screen. The first shows the bodies of African dancers...