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  • Digital Landfill -
    ... can grab into old lyers of information. Unreadable texts odr icons appear (for example: logo of Yahoo!, Hompepage of the CIA...)... in which the User can copy files from his computer or foreign websites - he can trash them. In a few seconds the files...
  • Blast -
    ... It endeavors to make this content partial and contingent, foregrounding the networks of relations in which it is embedded....
  • Glume -
    ... to human touch. We envision Glume as a viable tool for modeling, visualization and simulation of three dimensional data...
  • Ripple -
    ..."p-Soup" and the forerunner "Ripple" are more formal graphic approaches to the Internet and the computer, using the possibilities of the...
  • Homefront -
    ... of the characters. In this way, Homefront traffics between the formal, infrastructural, and psychological levels. It is not only...
  • ... of weather, some grafitti, and you have an unconscious art form. (source:
  • Mori
    ... to the installation. The title links the Japanese term for "forest-sanctuary" with the Latin "reminder of mortality." In...
  • Tunnel -
    ... produces. It has no exterior, an interior shaped by the task for which it is intended, surfaces that are nothing but raw materials,...
  • I-Camera -
    ...I-Camera is a tool for automatic representations of spatial relationships among photos for reviewing and analyzing the structure of a...
  • March -
    ... of Streams of Story containing currents of narrative in fluid form, "weaving in and out of one another like a liquid tapestry of...