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  • Escape © 2012, Laurent MIGNONNEAU & Christa SOMMERER developed for The View Contemporary Art Space Swizerland The installation "Escape" deals with the issue of flight attempt. It was originally developed as site specific installation in the civilian
  • ... that we will be able, after downloading the software on the...
  • Foto series The mechanics of emotions in photographs 6 photos with subtitles "La Mécanique des émotions" is a great tale of works : performances, installations, sculptures, machines… "eMoving Stills" are like a subtitled film in which the
  • Merging art with technology, conceptual artists George Legrady and Angus Forbes have transformed ubiquitous and often annoying cell phones into paint brushes for the 21st century. Their new multimedia video installation "Cell Tango" at Wellesley
  • Search Detection, 2012 LED Matrix, arduino processor, wooden cabinet, computer, Internet connection Variable size, can cover between 1 and 3 m of wall space Ed. 1/3, 1 AP Live digital streams that display the results of a search algorithm using the
  • Stanza. Title. The Last Supper And The City of Bits. Continuing the search for the Soul of the City. Stanza presented this artwork below and gave an artists talk as part of the Folly Digital Lunch series. Twelve guests were invited to this
  • facade presents the emotional real time state of the city of Trondheim is by using live data, and CCTV images to represent the Nova Building as a living breathing entity. NOVA FAÇADE. CICIOGNON SQUARE, TRONDHEIM This proposal has won the Nova
  • Soundcities -
    Description of Soundcities project. This interactive website called allows the audience as creative user the possibility to remix the hundreds of samples recorded from around the world and then save their own mix. Soundcities is
  • Sensity -
    Sensity is part of "The Emergent City" series of works by Stanza. Artworks monitoring the real time interactive city using wireless sensors. If you are interested in exhibiting this artwork get in touch. I am available to visit your city to take
  • Interactive installation Emotion vending machine, music, internet The Emotion Vending Machine is the 12th act of an opus including 15 acts : the Mechanics of Emotions. The emotion vending machine is displayed like a vending machine for drinks