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  • Multiplicity N°19 -
    ... is based on 5 self-portraits that were taken in profile, laterally and...
  • HDH215 -
    This piece is about a personal memory from my hometown, the small city of Heidenheim in the rural south of Germany. My favourite intersection is located on Schnaitheimer Straße, at the top where the old customs office is situated. One day the
  • Cracks to Oases -
    ... essay is possible to read that the pictures chosen by the artist show...
  • Peeping into a mirror-clad triangular prism, a surveillance camera observes images of its own species, while the kaleidoscopic reflections turn the devices into floral ornaments, referring to the ever-growing arrays of CCTV equipment in a tropical
  • Secret Detours -
    The 360° video »Secret Detours« served as an immediate approach to digitally preserve a Chinese garden in Singapore. Currently, my collaborators Benjamin Seide, Ross Wiliams and myself have developed a range of different versions in order to explore
  • A tropical garden in Singapore - not as it exists in a photorealistic representation but in our vision and in our memory: The Yunnan garden on NTU campus is currently undergoing redevelopment. Its design was inspired by Chinese Garden architecture
  • Decision Disc N°1 -
    ... case of still not knowing what to do, listen to the flip side.
  • How can Nietzsche’s fear of the Eternal Return made comprehensible, even if it may fallen victim to wrong interpretation? Elke Reinhuber's approach to explicate this problem is a vinyl record of an endlessly reiterating sound, which emphasises the
  • Forced Leisure -
    ... who does not want to abide to that and who wants to get active, is...
  • Profilneurose -
    ... promises a remedy. But does that make us happier, better, more...