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  • ... stellar characteristics and distance from... Lepus) is considered a high-priority target...
  • Monogram
    August 22, 1997 (Kennedy Space Center, Florida)— A Jet Propulsion Laboratory technician inserts the DVD containing Kac's Monogram and many other files into a shallow cavity between two pieces of aluminum that protected it from micrometeoroid
  • In 1989, Eduardo Kac transmitted from Chicago his artwork Spacescapes via slow-scan television simultaneously to Pittsburgh (to the DAX Group) and to Boston (to a group led by Dana Moser). The transmission took place in the context of the Three-City
  • Osmoboxes
    ... but completely distinct in their olfactory...
  • ... With an eye to the distant future, the book’s... allowing the reader to recharge every...
  • Early Performances -
    ... anniversary of historical Semana de Arte de 22... Arte de 22 -- a modernist presentation of art...
  • ...Escracho is an artist's book conceived, designed, and...
  • ... Escracho, an artist's book that showcased many...
  • NFT Buddha
    ... be the second Artist's Proof.
  • Suburban Meditation -
    ... mirrored a materialist chant of the Buudhist... was at the Das Wunderkammer exhibition at...