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  • Head
    HeadArtist: Lillian F. SchwartzComment:
  • ... key visual and verbal systems. Part One introduces the main theme — a poetic text,...
  • Water Wheel - video
    Water Wheel(1985), a seven channel installation presented through a circle of monitors, incorporating material from The Water Catalogue Music by Bill Seaman In Water Wheel I was exploring fragments from the linear work The Water Catalogue. A
  • ... poem with video and audio component inspired by architectural details, heating...
  • ... “the operand”) is an accomplished one. John Supko, a Duke music professor and acclaimed...
  • ... nodes react dynamically to the nearly one thousand computers in the School of Creative...
  • ... fully Digital Version. This project was done in Conjunction with IMAI institute - Intermedia...
  • The Hybrid Invention Generator (2001) is a work that explores a "machinic genetics." Users of the system can scroll through a series of inventions, choose two different inventions and generate the visualization of a hybrid invention. An underlying
  • T-wo.gen
    ... is to become mindful, to experience what one’s mind is doing as it does it, to be present...
  • The Exquisite Mechanism of Shivers - Audio CD Published with Special Version of Binocular Magazine