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  • Seed/Tree - video
    ... an “artist in residence” program at the ZKM (Centre for Media Art in Karlsruhe, Germany). Feelings, associations, mental images and...
  • SKIN - Performance -
    ... of stress or relaxation. SKIN is a reflection about metamorphosis, in this case, inspired by the natural moulting process... SKIN is an interactive performance, in which the artist interacts with sounds and images using the GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) interface, which...
  • ArtFem.TV
    ...ArtFem.TV is an online television programming presenting Art and Feminism. The aim of ArtFem.TV is to foster Women in the Arts, their art works...
  • ... and their relation to their body. By using the internet as an artistic survey media as many different entries from different...
  • Transcendence Index -
    ...The installation consists of the following 2 parts: – a software program which analyzes texts of two periods (1900-1917 and 2000-2017) in order...
  • S_traits -
    ...S_traitsArtist: Bill SeamanComment:
    Installation and storage/sculpting system that collects the creation of digital files in real time. The system is prepared for the rendering of 3D scenes that are collected in a series of marble sculptures with a USB memory inside.
    Celeste embodies the idea of the digital unification of different skies in different locations around the world. Through a beacon equipped with the necessary material to capture the image of the sky in real time, the system extracts the colours
  • BIOMA -
    ... with a noise level higher than the one configured to start making a visual sweep that is altered by the sound wave. With this...
  • Langgpath -
    Kinetic sculpture that represents in real time the transfer of files from a database of moving bodies. Files of type BVH (biovision hierarchical files) are transferred between servers in the northern and southern hemispheres coinciding with the