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  • R&E
    ... with British artists, Oldham Art Gallery,...
  • L
    vintage fax on white paper, transmitted to and exhibited in the show"City Portrait", Gallerie Donguy, Paris, 1990.
  • vintage fax on white paper, set of nine 8.5"x11" (21.6 x 27.9 cm) sheets, 1990. Transmitted to and exhibited in the show"City Portrait", Gallerie Donguy, Paris, 1990.
  • Razzmatazz
    Transmitted to Museo Internacional de Electrografia, Cuenca, Spain, 1993, and exhibited in Muestra Internacional de Fax Art, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Cuenca, Spain, 1993.
  • Elastic Fax III was realized by participants sending sequential faxes directly from their cell phones to a fax machine in the gallery in São Paulo.
  • ... to convey the readerly interactivity and the...
  • Faxpoem
    ... with British artists, Oldham Art Gallery,...
  • Não!
    ... asking the reader to link them semantically...
  • In this poem we look straight down at the top surface of a cube. An invisible light source orbits the cube, casting verbal shadows that can be seen gyrating clockwise, much in the manner of a sundial. As new shadows are cast, the letters permutate
  • Oco
    As the cylindrical form of the three letters spins in space, the letter I appears and disappears, producing the fleeting appearance of the words "o cio" (in heat) and "ócio" (idleness).