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  • ... form of camera obscura created by the artist’s mouth. Technically the images are based...
    ... essence of the physical, whether organic or artificial. – Uršula Berlot, 2012
  • ... contain the visualisation of the artist’s emotional response to a particular work...
    Video projection onto an image on a mirror (video loop, 3′) mirror (110 x 110 cm), foil covering, projection and reflection variable dimensions The video installation Butterfly uses radiological images of the author’s brain responding to different
    ... projections of radiological scans of the artist’s brain and related manipulated recorded...
    ... discernment.' - Alessandra Pace, SCI'ART, 2009 (excerpt)
  • ...Kinetic light installation reflective foil, artificial resin, rotating motor, lights, plexiglass, light...
  • ... – Reflection can also be understood as an artistic metaphor of dichotomy, implied by the dual...
  • The kaleidoscopic rhythmic structure of a recurring pattern is not a computer-generated picture, but a video recording taken on a digital camera and a kaleidoscopic instrument. The infinite recurrence of one and the same element in micro- and
  • ... from the immaterial, the natural from the artificial. Primal States is a visual metaphor of...