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  • ...w insects through electronic and artistic interfaces?...
  • Bio-Mass -
    ... reproduced in the quarterly publication... Print, Sizes: 8”x10” and 13”x19” Epson Pigment inks... reproduced in the quarterly publication...
  • AXIS -
    ... Print, Sizes: 8”x10” and 13”x19” Epson Pigment inks...
  • In this poem we look straight down at the top surface of a cube. An invisible light source orbits the cube, casting verbal shadows that can be seen gyrating clockwise, much in the manner of a sundial. As new shadows are cast, the letters permutate
  • Ágora
    ... direction of the Andromeda galaxy (not...
  • ... is all it shows; and frustrates the viewer...
  • Audio Dust - Kahlen's interactive film and sound projections, 21...
  • Kahlen's interactive film and sound projections, 21...
  • Kahlen's interactive film and sound projections, 21...
  • Timo Kahlen: UR, 2006 - Kahlen's interactive film and sound projections, 21...