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  • Memopol-II
    ... databases and the Internet. The data is... evil, dark and scary. It projects present-day technology...
  • ... was given a very large and comfortable cylindrical white... As this piece projects the complexities of...
  • Strange Days -
    ... brings the cyberworld and human/machine relations in... language. This time she projects it on the body of a...
  • House -
    ... embodiment of change and renewal. House describes the... net art: art projects for which the (Internet)...
  • Memopol I
    ... databases and the Internet. The data is... evil, dark and scary. It projects present-day technology...
  • ...from CityU School of Creative Media and Nanjing University Art... together with the projects by 16 students from NJU...
  • ... for Digital Culture and Interactive Media directed by... for interdisciplinary projects. The mission is to...
  • AR-Jig -
    ... AR systems give users 3D and real scale feelings of... //
  • ... is an art, science and technology installation in... Residency. These are the projects produced under the "AL...
  • Smart Tools -
    ... simulated information, and could not be readily put to...