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  • ... by its own reflections, the artificial landscape blurs the...
  • ... 2014 'Fluid Topography by the artist Uršula Berlot investigates the...
  • ... imagery is placed in an artistic context that brings forth the...
    ... science – mostly medicine, and art. Her works are often based on a...
  • Video projection, print on plexiglass dim: 100 x 138 cm (x 2) The kaleidoscopic video is based on radiological recordings of the author’s brain. The recording of neural connections (nerve tracts) shown by tractography (diffusion MRI) is
  • ... imagery into the field of art.
  • ... at the technically reproducible art: »From the point of view of death,...
  • ... of camera obscura created by the artist’s mouth. Technically the images... body, resulting in such an analogous process as an imprint of light,...
    ... the physical, whether organic or artificial. – Uršula Berlot, 2012
  • ... contain the visualisation of the artist’s emotional response to a...