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  • ... by changing its context, she alters our view and understanding of matter. In this way the scientific imagery is placed in an artistic context that brings forth the aesthetic aspects of scientific “images” and thus evokes new questions and ideas in the...
    ... 'A great deal of Uršula Berlot’s opus is marked by the exploration of intersections between science – mostly medicine, and art. Her works are often based on a recontextualization of visual results from medical diagnostic techniques, which are torn out of the...
  • Video projection, print on plexiglass dim: 100 x 138 cm (x 2) The kaleidoscopic video is based on radiological recordings of the author’s brain. The recording of neural connections (nerve tracts) shown by tractography (diffusion MRI) is
  • ... techniques into new visual representations effects a re-contextualization of scientific medical imagery into the field of art.
  • ... with the techno-emanation of the measurements of the skull. Benjamin says, and here he hints at the technically reproducible art: »From the point of view of death, life is the production of corpses.« Memento mori. There is also a tactile-performative side to...
  • ...rint on plexiglass Variable dimensions This series of photographs was produced using a particular form of camera obscura created by the artist’s mouth. Technically the images are based on the use of a small piece of photosensitive paper installed in the mouth with the...
    ... while the light dematerializing the image suggests the impermanent and fragile essence of the physical, whether organic or artificial. – Uršula Berlot, 2012
  • ... surfaces detected by the radiological medical apparatus. These renderings characteristically contain the visualisation of the artist’s emotional response to a particular work of art and particular selection of colours. The darkness of space highlights...
    Video projection onto an image on a mirror (video loop, 3′) mirror (110 x 110 cm), foil covering, projection and reflection variable dimensions The video installation Butterfly uses radiological images of the author’s brain responding to different
    ... generated hybrid as a luminous apparition composed by layering reflected light, video projections of radiological scans of the artist’s brain and related manipulated recorded video images. – Uršula Berlot, 2007 'In their video installations, Uršula Berlot,...