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  • video 2,38 The video was created for the track Cast to the Bottom from the album The Great Crater by Scanner (Glacial Movements, 2017). Composed of landscape 3d digital simulation and digitally processed video recordings, the video shows a virtual
  • video 5,06' The round-shaped form in the process of constant transformation is based on the idea of simulating life at the molecular level. The structure, which periodically resembles a virus structure, complex proteins or carbon fullerenes, is
  • video 4,24′ The video Inverse space works on two levels of microscopic observation: the first line of recordings shows the transformation of a non-living (inorganic) substance from one physical state to another – namely, the process of
  • Diptych: laser-cut and digital print on plexiglass dim: 200 x 135 cm The hanging objects present microscopic image of a carbon substance (up) and its digital mapping (transcription) into a reciprocal space (down) by the use of digital fast Fourier
  • ...BAROQUE MOMENTS ON FIREArtist: Anabela CostaComment:
  • ... are thus dealing with an artistic response to the...
  • ... microscope, which the artist had to see, and...
  • FROM the BOWELS -
    ...FROM the BOWELSArtist: Anabela CostaComment:
  • ... its own reflections, the artificial landscape blurs the...
  • ... 'Fluid Topography by the artist Uršula Berlot investigates...