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  • Rebecca -
    RebeccaArtist: Nacho FradesComment:
  • In a world where human transactions mostly apply to human values, where metaphors reside in the syntactic articulation of these values, we may find very peculiar layers of truth that make sense in an unexpected way. Transactional Poetry is
  • The largest exhibition of Value of Values, with 3 Neuro-design stations. “Value of Values (VoV) is a blockchain-based art project. It aims to find out the real, economic value of human values through EEG (Electroencephalography, and biofeedback).
  • In To Be Is To Get Cut, I consider the sociopolitical structures and behaviors that are otherwise hard to realize from inside the microcosm of society. To do that, I use digital media. That allows me to create a self-sustained ecosystem that exists
  • Quasar 3 [danger du zero] is an immersive interactive light and sound installation. Quasar 3 is the latest project iteration of a series of installation projects known as Quasar, which explores the world that exists beyond our senses by converging
  • Quasar -
    ... comprised of a dense array of interlinked...
    The DEFENDEX-ESPGX is an interactive art object that combines real-time audio and video synthesis processing with physical interaction. The DEFENDEX-ESPGX is designed to simulate the look and feel of 1950's technology. The content draws on nostalgic
  • CubeLife -
  • ... As a student, Vermeer and early...
  • ACM MM ART SHOW 2019, NICE Chairs: Maurice Benayoun, Nathalie Delprat Nice, France, October 21 – 25, 2019