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  • ... metaphors reside in the syntactic articulation of...
  • ... It aims to find out the real, economic value of human...
  • ...In To Be Is To Get Cut, I consider the sociopolitical structures and...
  • ... Quasar 3 is the latest project iteration of a... was developed in collaboration with WIPAC, the first...
  • Quasar -
    ... structure. The gallery is fitted with...
    ... physical interaction. The DEFENDEX-ESPGX is designed to... DEFENDEX-ESPGX is a collaborative effort between...
  • CubeLife -
  • ... It was exhibited at the ACM/SIGGRAPH98 Art Show...
  • ACM MM ART SHOW 2019, NICE Chairs: Maurice Benayoun, Nathalie Delprat Nice, France, October 21 – 25, 2019
  • Word and body -
    Word and bodyArtist: Edward KuleminComment: