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  • The origin of Documentation of Making of Eve Clone II series is from the animation Making of Eve Clone I. I select three parts of the grid body of Eve Clone such as golden-head with silver-chest, silver-chest with coppery abdomen, iron leg with half
  • GFP Bunny -
    As a transgenic artist, I am not interested in the creation of genetic objects, but on the invention of transgenic social subjects. In other words, what is important is the completely integrated process of creating the bunny, bringing her to society
  • ... the number 6, and like Satan’s horns indicating that Eve Clone lived in the same time and...
  • The large-scale projection interactive installation, Revelation of Eve Clone I, further presented that Eve Clone had artificial life and reproductivity. After the viewer entered the exhibition realm, Eve Clone’s life index (the Time Code on the
  • Making of Eve Clone I -
    ... drawings by hand, thereby indicating that the body of Eve Clone I created was...
  • Cypher -
    "Cypher" is an artwork that merges sculpture, artist's book and a DIY transgenic kit. It measures approximately 13 x 17 " (33 x 43 cm) and is contained in a stainless steel slipcase. When removed from the case, the kit — itself also made of
  • ... those who dwell on the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her immorality” (Revelation...
  • ... image, with its time code, self-replicates at a 3-second interval using delay...
  • In 2014, I was invited to exhibit Revelation of Eve Clone IV in “Raising the Temperature” at the Queens Museum of Arts, New York. The work presented Eve Clone being submerged by seawater in a ruin. The water was dyed red, like blood from the dead.
  • Eve Clone IV/V -
    Created using 3D animation, interactive computer programs, infrared sensors, and webcams, Eve Clone IV/V is an interactive audiovisual installation that features six large-scale “Eve Clone” projected across a three-dimensional, hexagonal