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  • ... ultimately, how we view and connect with one another. In 2016, when the web is the most...
  • With Brain Factory Prototype, Maurice Benayoun and Tobias Klein have produced a very specific installation — a mechanism designed to transform abstract things into concrete objects with the participation of the spectator. An installation/tool, it
  • Brain Factory is an installation that allows the audience to give a shape to human abstractions through Brain-Computer Interaction (BCI), and then to convert the resulting form into a physical object. The work examines the human specificity through
  • ... are performed by these 3 Astrilab components: The Hypercube: a large scale cubic display...
  • ... ultimately, how we view and connect with one another. In 2016, when the web is the most...
  • Students from CityU School of Creative Media and Nanjing University Art Institute tracking the obstacles in mediated communication. During the first decades of digital computing and networking, the emphasis was put on the potential of the
  • NOMINATION EXHIBITION with the contribution of 15 NOMINATORS, nominating 102 YOUNG CHINESE MEDIA ARTISTS that became part of ON THE ROAD Archive. 32 MEDIA ART INSTALLATIONS Guan Shanyue exhibition. Guan Shanyue Museum Shenzhen Co-organised by the
  • ... is the complete removal of the human component in the production process through the...
  • The ABSTRACT SHOTS are some of the outcomes of the BRAIN FACTORY that gave the exhibition spectators in Paris, Seoul, Brisbane and Hong Kong the possibility to become “brain-workers”. Using no hands and no words, they gave a shape to human
  • On the Road is a unique, annual project initiated in 2014 by the Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, here seen in its 2018 version. The process involves 15 curators, art critics and scholars, from major institutions, art schools and museums