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  • ... are partly controllable by the viewer. Hypothetical creatures, autonomous and life-like, live in these worlds. Artificial life...
  • ...Giving the first impression of a simple commodity sculpture "AutoGene" lures the viewer into a false sense of security which is then at the...
  • See No Evil -
    ... Through a randomizing algorithm, the artist’s fictitious autobiographical text is masked by her original pencil drawings....
  • Double Life -
    "My double life" is a video installation made up of several diptychs. All individuals divide their lives into a professional activity performed in order to survive, and their true skills that are unrelated to work. The diptychs show the
  • Gallinero - video
    ... presencia un momento distinto de la obra, ya que ésta se autogenera a si misma en un directo permanente. Los huevos desarrollan...
  • ... of photogrammetry technology, the computer is capable of automatically calculating a three-dimensional model on the basis of...
  • Mirror_Piece -
    Mirror_Piece is a mirror version of Marnix de Nijs’ previous work Physiognomic Scrutinizer. Equipped with biometric video analyzing software, the installation scans facial features and characteristics of anyone looking into its mirror, and compares
  • London 2013 – and 2014 – reveal the view from Christina Niederberger’s studio on the 8th floor of ASC Studios’ Erlang House looking north over London’s newly emerging skyline. The images were constructed a pixel a second from top left to the bottom
  • This film shows a monochrome landscape beneath a strip of sky. At first barely perceptible, a subtle movement is noted throughout the peaked contours of the waves—an organic contraction and expansion of a mountain-like skin. It is with the congealed
  • SelfieSaoPaulo -
    ... us better see the differences between the photos, they are all automatically aligned by eye positions. Source: Lev Manovich