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  • ... that trigger projections of astronomical objects down from the ceiling onto their screens -...
  • ... life. There are medical books, personnal objects mixed whith eletronical screens. One slide...
  • ... different virtual world where images and objects co-exist in an imaginary space. ...
  • CityCluster Project -
    ... interact, intervene exchange buildings, objects, ideas and or create their own ideal city....
  • ... and sonorous stairways in which all the objects, the angles are interactive instruments....
  • ... community will have their own: identity, objects, dreams, desires, ... the concept is to...
  • freequent traveller -
    ... is your identity - stories instead of objects - moving free of weight - relax...
  • ... algorithms producing new individuals. Objects are rendered to represent each myth,...
  • ... skin, made of natural latex. The objectives of OP_ERA: HAPTIC WALL are to transform...
  • ... reason and emotion, subjectivism and objectivism, poetics and mathematics, fragile...