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  • SphèrAléas Tridimensional interactive / sound / image installation SphèrAléas is made of a half-spherical structure and of an evolutionary device wich makes man, image and sound interact thanks to digital tools. SphèrAléas is ideal for collective
  • As one of the installation's aesthetic goals is the bodily impression of the generated object on the user, a sound synthesis technique was in demand, that is able to both render a visible object's genuine sound thru all its user-inferred alterations
  • enter project here:artport.whitney.orgScroll down to the bottom of the code to launch its results.Please adjust your Java Security Settings for Whitney Museum Artport, in order to launch the Programme.Commissioned by the Whitney
  • enter project here:artport.whitney.orgscroll down to launch Project.Commissioned by the Whitney Museum
  • enter the project here:artport.whitney.orgScroll down to launch ProjectPlease adjust your Java Security Settings in order to launch the Programme.Commissioned by the Whitney Museum.
  • For the "Places & Spaces: Mapping Science" exhibition W. Bradford Paley approached making a map of science indirectly, by making a map of a book describing The History of Science. In this way, he leveraged the intelligent organization by Henry Smith
  • enter project here:artport.whitney.orgScroll down to the bottom of the code to launch its results.Please adjust your Java Security Settings in order to launch the Programme.Commissioned by the Whitney Museum.
  • enter project here:artport.whitney.orgscroll down to the bottom of the page to launch the Java Programme.Commissioned by the Whitney Museum
  • remotion
    enter project here:artport.whitney.orgScroll down to the bottom of the code to launch its results.Commissioned by the Whitney Museum
  • enter project here:artport.whitney.orgScroll down to the bottom of the code to launch its results. Commissioned by the Whitney Museum