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  • Digital Imaging -
    Digital Imaging by Ken Rinaldo My digital imaging works are abstract constructions that consist of scans of original items composited in Photoshop and textures and line brought in with Adobe Illustrator, Bryce 3D, and FormZ.
  • In TRANS-E digital technologies provide us with an electronic ritual. Bodies connected by interfaces dialogue with computer electronic memories and can experience "virtual hallucinations" in real time. These "hallucinations" are managed by
  • Environments: Memories, Serpentarium, Village, Terrarium By penetrating in OUROBOROS’ PLACES we experience the poetic existence in memescapes, inhabiting within artificial landscapes no longer made of earth, but of memory units. Interfaces and
  • The interactive installation offers exchanges of body signals using a sensorized carpet to capture people displacements. The information are sent to a neural network which mangage the artificial system and gives life to the physic environment. A big
  • CAGEBIM is an installation where the visitor interacts. The visitor enters in the room and can read a John Cage's affirmation: " I am always interested in listening to. I am always less interested on the fixed relation between the parts. I am
  • The Analog-Digital-Spiegel (programming by Reinhard Möller) shows how an analogue portrait (corresponding to sensory experience) changes into its digital (dismantled and computed) text base. A camera, which is integrated in the projection screen,
  • The exhibition TRANS-E (trans, transit, trance!) consists of four installations shown simultaneously: Bio-Biblion, A-fetus, In-fluxus and The Supper. TRANS-E creates a series of experiences for the visitor involving the entire body.BIO-BIBLION is
  • In my Art Electronic exhibition, ELECTROURBS, 1979, at N.O. Space, In Porto Alegre and after in 1982, at Funarte, Galeria Sergio Milliet I used one electronic stetoscope to amplify the heart beats for medical diagnostics, and creatively I intended
  • Lautriv's body is an interactive sculpture. Both sexes are contained in unique figure, composed by a synthesis of classical forms: the head of Medusa, the ears (serpents) of Medusa, the chest and hand of Discobolo and the abdomen and legs of
  • Timetable
    In Timetable, an image is projected from above onto a large circular table. Twelve dials are positioned around the perimeter of the table. The functions each of these dials changes and mutates, depending on what is projected onto them at any given