Archive Search

  • ... such as the Futurists’ aerial point of view and the spatial apotheoses...
  • ... and paradoxical when the viewer points the exterior cameras towards the...
  • ... PLACE—A User’s Manual (1995) as points of departure. It is a virtual,...
  • ... imagery corresponds to their point of view. Headphones attached to...
  • ... allows viewers to rotate their points of view within each of the these...
  • ... viewer’s physical position and point of view while they rotate the...
  • ... A prerecorded video from the point of view of a person climbing the...
  • Ecloud WWI
    ... maps of the period are entry points into the archive via specific...
  • ... up against a wall, at which point its laser-scan background becomes...
  • ... uses a physical microphone as a pointing device, enabling him or her to...